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  • このサイトでは、東京医科大学病院・リウマチ膠原病内科の診療や研究、e-抄読会の内容、医局員・大学院生の募集などを掲載しています。

(1) Yasuda T, Tahara K, Sawada T. Detection of salivary citrullinated cytokeratin 13 in healthy individuals and patients with rheumatoid arthritis by proteomics analysis. PLoS One. 2022;17(3):e0265687. PLos One
(2) Mizuuchi T, Sawada T, Nishiyama S, Tahara K, Hayashi H, Mori H, et al. Distal Interphalangeal Joint Involvement May Be Associated with Disease Activity and Affected Joint Distribution in Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Clin Med. 2022;11(5). J Clin Med
Youtube 第147回 東京医科大学病院 市民公開講座 前半『関節リウマチの診断と治療』 後半『妊娠・出産とリウマチ治療』
(1) Sawada T, Fujimori D, Yamamoto Y. Systemic lupus erythematosus and immunodeficiency. Immunol Med. 2019 Mar;42(1):1-9, 2019.
(2) Tsubouchi S, Hayashi H, Tahara K, Ishii K, Yasuda T, Yamamoto Y, Mizuuchi T, Mori H, Tago M, Kato E, Sawada T. Clinical presentation of a neuropsychiatric lupus patient with symmetrical basal ganglia lesions containing cytotoxic edema cores surrounded by vasogenic edema. Mod Rheumatol Case Report 4(1):39-46, 2020.
(3)Sawada T, Kurano M, Shirai H, Iwasaki Y, Tahara K, Hayashi H, Igarashi K, Fujio K, Aoki J, Yatomi Y. Serum phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 (PS-PLA1) as a novel biomarker for monitoring systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) disease activity. Int J Rheum Dis 22(11):2059-2066, 2019
